2011年3月16日 星期三

[Linux] 使用 pwgen 產生隨機密碼 Use pwgen generate random password

$ sudo apt-get install pwgen

$ pwgen

ohp1Shei Keiwohr9 nahThe8a Gie6Fiev xie0Un0v phi0GaiL Ie2quufo angie6Qu
sahgoh6U Rubaot4o iphei1Ki tah2uChe oP9uong7 aixieJ0i Yachae6e chipa6In
Reem3ahM ohda2Cei Eib5ohno gieLa0ze uighoo6X Shoom1Ee Goope5sh Viewah1a
Jaito1oo chua9kiD du4eiP3y yohlie4T oc8oPhez Fu1quo0x bei1eaGh thahqu3K
Zeila2ai Aosho2ag fie5aiV8 ooKejiv0 Ieb2kait eeg3Xoh0 quaete7E Shoo5eix
iej2Iehe kee1Ohyu jeuDae9z eeShoh8j Ieth8Hai Queinai8 Zuce3ahb Oqu7ohd6
Thohtei0 aeT0ieth zur6teoZ doh0Oon2 Kooj1Lee uiDoh3jo ohHaiw1r uhet0eiX
Jolei3do to8Thohh Lohmook0 fohH3jei pah1uRae HioTie4e jequ0Iet AhM5ieSo
Voo3uTah Woo4eith Kai1aeth oazu1oT3 Toovah2e Aiz1uing yeiph8Ze Ayoo0po3
Gohqu3zu yohXesh4 pooXai7j zoo6de7E jicoo2oF uo5iez0U ieS7eeYe peFah4ph
eihuoTh7 kooPh4ei Fat6aong re6Axai7 gieNg2ae omaeHee3 Shai3xep yin5aaJu
Zuy3aaho ci3aiH1o aefo5aeW Sei3Phuu cu2wuaZu uu5ReeCo ohNgav5g OhLe9pha
aPei4Iep Xae3Gefu fu8Wixae eox2Duuk Isahcie6 eegai7Mu Reibohj6 noh7AhL4
ea5Thae1 vongoh3W Eey7Uz9h ael4ooBu Lai2iuj2 iaSheap3 Alae8ao3 ee1Aetha
reilaX8O Eenohj2y shee7Or9 uGh4eino Ohyot0mo iShuad9t kei0Eeko iequie8E
nooN2kia ahn5kooH eizaa2Pi Aeth1aof Xalo3ohS Aoquuv2L Aij3pho0 Dah7ooF4
ohwa5ohY daf7JauT Ieko6bih Oox7ieko lain8Eil xe7Af8ei biepooX0 ju8Ied8A
zagol7Qu EeM2etio eeW3ahno Chae5pho Nid0ceiz vie5Goo5 eW3ahbei Eik4thao
Aer9Dini oos8Eeho fi4aBi2R aid2Chei Oob1Eipu iiJie1sh xeiDoo4o Amuu8bah
sheiP9oh AeguGae9 iChee2oh Gah2yahy ZaiPh9Ah Pek0hahj BieM4ahs ooS6chah

Get more information

$ pwgen --help
Usage: pwgen [ OPTIONS ] [ pw_length ] [ num_pw ]

Options supported by pwgen:
  -c or --capitalize
        Include at least one capital letter in the password
  -A or --no-capitalize
        Don't include capital letters in the password
  -n or --numerals
        Include at least one number in the password
  -0 or --no-numerals
        Don't include numbers in the password
  -y or --symbols
        Include at least one special symbol in the password
  -s or --secure
        Generate completely random passwords
  -B or --ambiguous
        Don't include ambiguous characters in the password
  -h or --help
        Print a help message
  -H or --sha1=path/to/file[#seed]
        Use sha1 hash of given file as a (not so) random generator
        Print the generated passwords in columns
        Don't print the generated passwords in columns
  -v or --no-vowels
        Do not use any vowels so as to avoid accidental nasty words
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