2008年6月2日 星期一


strive to be innovative 力求創新

boarding house    民宿
That just the way is was. 命運就是這樣
a close call 千鈞一髮
bumping    伏地挺身
sit-up 仰臥起坐
I will try my best.    我會盡我的努力
Sometimes I focus on listening to music. 有時候我專注地聽音樂
Because I haven't finish watching.    因為我還沒看完

Thereby hangs a tale.

What are you going to do next?

Surely we can find another exit strategy.

片刻的學習, 終身的受益
A moment to learn, a lifetime to perfect.

walk 走
trot 快步
canter 慢跑

paperback 平裝書
clockwise 順時針
counterclockwise 逆時針
Enthusiast 狂熱者; 愛好者

Skeleton 骨架; 雛型
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