2011年1月25日 星期二

[Python] PythonBee - 冠軍賽- 用嘴巴講出一套好程式


This is from the final round where our last two contestants competed for a Kindle.

Contestants were not allowed to see their code or have it read back to them in any way. They had to specifically dictate all spelling and punctuation (and tabbing).
參賽者不允許看他們的程式碼或是反悔已經唸過的程式碼, 他們必須唸出所有的標點符號跟空白和Tab

The challenge for the last round was to write a function that would return true if and only if the string passed to it hadmatching sets of parentheses.
最後一回合的比賽, 參賽者必須寫一個程式, 檢查匹配括號的字串, 如果是則return True
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